I am writing to express my deepest gratitude to A/P Gary F. Bell and Prof. Lawrence Boo, my supervisors, for their assistance, encouragement, and patience.  As a student from a non-English speaking country, it was often not easy for me to transfer ideas into some eighty thousand words in this language. Besides coming from a country that has long been operating civil law, I had considerable difficulty analyzing issues with the common law approach, particularly in reference to the use of cases for arguments. With this in mind, one may understand how challenging it was for me to complete the study, at both the levels of expression and substance. Yet my supervisors won my highest respect for what they have showed to me over the last five years with their expertise, dedication, and commitment. They were constantly there to assist and came with insightful comments and suggestions. I could never be more fortunate to have them as supervisors and cannot thank them enough for their support.  
Besides my supervisors, I am gratefully indebted to Prof Sornarajah, a member of my thesis committee for the Doctoral Candidate Qualifying Exam (DCQE), who posed important questions and offered invaluable comments; even after this event still providing me with useful advice and inspiration. Other professors at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Law Faculty, in particular Prof Andrew Simester, A/P Lye Lin Heng, and Asst/P Arun Kumar Thiruvengadam, also deserve my immense gratitude for their kind attention, guidance and assistance. 
I am also indebted to a number of good friends who have contributed to the success of the project either directly or indirectly. My thanks first and foremost go to Ebenezer Adodo, Liu Huijun, Vincent Benjamin, and Jason Bonin for their company during my often-lonely stay in Singapore. They made my life easier and warmer with their friendship, kind help and encouragement. Especially Ebenezer, some draft chapters of the thesis have benefited from his comments and suggestions for which I am very thankful. Other good friends of mine Edna Pana, Hai Jing, Saiful Karim, Abhik Majumdar, Qiu Yang, and Rina Oktoberina have also brought much excitement, especially in the early period of my study. I will always have fond memories of the time we spent together.  
In addition to the wonderful friends at NUS, I owe a great debt of gratitude to a number of people. They are Dr Nono A. Makarim and Ms Karen Mills with their invaluable insights and suggestions as well as Mr Parsioan Pulungan and Ms Shanti Shamdasani with their useful information and inputs. Their supports, particularly Ms Mills’ detailed comments on Chapter 7, have contributed to the improvement of my research. Special thanks also go to Dr Riyatno of BKPM for providing me with access to much needed data, Dean Gunardi of Tarumanagara Law School for his unfailing support, and those who volunteered to be interviewed during my field work.   
In support of my PhD studies, I received a four-year period of research scholarships and a semester of the President’s Graduate Fellowship from the NUS. I also received some funding in the form of additional living costs from Tarumanagara University, helping make my stay in Singapore more enjoyable. I am grateful for their generous financial support and confidence in me. Furthermore, the assistance afforded by staff of the Law Faculty’s Library and Graduate Division was important in ensuring the completion of my study. My special thanks go to the administrative staff:  Normah binti Mohammed, Zanariah Abidin, and Chuan Chin Yee as well as to the librarians: Lee Su-Lin, Bessie Neo, and Salmah Bte Ismail for their wonderful support. I am also grateful to Prof Alan Tan and Prof Simon Chesterman, the former and current Vice-Deans of the Graduate Program, for overseeing the administrative process which enabled me to complete the study.  
Finally, I am eternally indebted to my wife, Hasri Wulan, for giving me much needed uplift and encouragement throughout the course of the program, even in the most difficult times. Because of her, I always remember with pleasure the time I spent writing this thesis.
Gatot Soemartono
Singapore, Friday, 28 October 2011